Tag Archives: massage

Wry Neck

Pain in the Neck  – Wry Neck / Acute Torticollis

What is Wry Neck

Wry Neck is a relatively common, acute episode of neck pain. It is characterised by the sudden onset of sharp pain and neck stiffness which restricts one’s ability to turn their head. Physiotherapy is an effective method to minimise neck pain and have you back to full health sooner.

Read more to find out how our Physiotherapists at Dr7 Physiotherapy & Podiatry can help you ...
Read more to find out how our Physiotherapists at Dr7 Physiotherapy & Podiatry can help you …


Symptoms of Wry Neck

Have you ever woken with severe neck pain and found it extremely difficult to move your head?

If so, it is likely that you might have experienced an episode of Wry neck.

Typical symptoms of Wry neck include:

  • Severe neck pain
  • Sudden onset of pain
  • Pain felt on one side of the neck
  • Restriction of neck movement
  • Muscle tightness and spasm
  • Altered neck posture
  • Asymmetries between shoulder/neck position
  • Headaches

Causes of Wry Neck

Acute wry neck typically occurs without warning. The exact cause of wry neck if not completely understood. However we do know that it can be triggered by one of the following events:

  • Minor injury to the neck
  • Sleeping in sustained, awkward positions
  • High levels of stress
  • Poor postural loading
  • Excessive, unaccustomed physical activity
  • Sudden, jerk of the head


Relevant Anatomy of the Neck

Also known as the cervical spine, the neck consists of 7 building blocks called the cervical vertebrae. Each vertebra is separated by a disc and joins to another vertebra above/below it to form a facet joint.  Together the disc and facet joints support the weight of the head and allow movement within the neck.


Types of Wry Neck

Discogenic Wry Neck

Discs are spongey shock absorbers that lie between each vertebra. These discs may sustain micro-injury under stress, leading to inflammation and swelling. This causes increased pressure to the surrounding structures within the neck and consequently high levels of pain and restricted neck movement.

 Facet Wry Neck

Facet joints are small swivel joints that allow smooth gliding and turning movements. Irritating positions or movements of the neck can cause a “locking” sensation. This leads to irritation in the facet joint and associated muscle spasm. Nerve endings located within this region trigger intense pain and jerky movement.


Management of Wry Neck

The good news about Wry Neck is that it can be treated quickly and effectively with the help of one of our Physiotherapists at Dr7 Physiotherapy & Podiatry. We recommend immediate treatment for best results.

At Dr7, we will undertake an assessment of your neck to confirm diagnosis and the joints involved.  This will form a management program which will be provided and put into action with the help of our therapists.

Our aims at Dr7 Physiotherapy & Podiatry are:

  • Confirm your diagnosis
  • Normalise joint movement
  • Relax muscle spasms
  • Improve muscle length/tension
  • Ensure optimal cervical posture & function
  • Educate to prevent further injury


If you suspect an acute wry neck, please call out clinic and we’ll do our best to fast track your appointment.


Treatment at Dr7 Physiotherapy

Gentle treatment modalities are used to normalise facet joint function and settle soft tissue sensitisation:

  • Therapeutic cervical mobilisations of the facet joints
  • Cervical traction to free up the facet joints & deload the discs
  • Soft tissue massage
  • Postural education
  • Strategies to unload the neck (e.g. pillow, postures)
  • Dry needling
  • Stretching
  • A tailored home exercise program



If an episode of Wry Neck occurs it is important to take the following steps until you review with one of our Physiotherapists:

  • Avoid vigorous, fast movements of the neck
  • Avoid sustaining prolonged head postures
  • Apply a heat pack to the neck and surrounding muscles
  • Speak with your Pharmacist about taking anti-inflammatory medication


With Physiotherapy treatment symptoms will ease within the first 1-4 days, with normal function being restored within the first 2 weeks.


If you have questions please feel free to contact our clinic today on (08) 3949 1777. Wry neck is a debilitating injury, however it can be easily resolved with the help of Physiotherapy intervention.


Dr7 Physiotherapy Perth Exercise Program

Conditions Physiotherapy Treats | Dr7 Physiotherapy and Podiatry

What Conditions Physiotherapy Treats, Prevents, or Manages

A physiotherapist is trained and licensed to diagnose physical abnormalities, promote physical activity and proper function, maintain physical function, and restore physical function and mobility.

Manual Release, Myofascial Release
Manual Release, Myofascial Release


This is why physiotherapy, similar to what Dr7 Physiotherapy and Podiatry offers, is beneficial for people of all ages, but most especially, for seniors in home care or aged care residences. With musculoskeletal functions going through changes as people age, any strategy that can help deal with such problems would be most welcome.

Conditions That Can Be Treated by Physiotherapy


This is a condition that can cause joint pain, stiffness, and heat. Physiotherapy can help manage symptoms and provide pain relief through exercise and other forms of therapy. There are exercise programmes that you can take advantage of.


Physiotherapists can help asthma patients by showing them how to retrain breathing and to breathe in a more relaxed way. They can also recommend activity and exercises that can help manage asthma.

Back Pain

Managing back pain is among the speciality of physiotherapists and seeing one can mean speedy recovery and future prevention. Physiotherapy may involve manual treatments, exercise, acupuncture, and other ways to treat and prevent back pain.


Don’t wait for osteoporosis to lead to broken bones, especially when you are at an age where falls and fractures are common. Once diagnosed, you should see a physiotherapist right away, so he can recommend ways to prevent thinning of bones, strengthen bones and muscles, manage pain, and reduce falls.

Chronic Pain

Physiotherapy can help manage the condition and minimise its impact on a patient’s life. If you are suffering from chronic pain, reducing its intensity is a welcome relief. Physiotherapists can also provide massage, hands-on treatments, and other options to manage long-term pain.

Neck Pain

The kind of neck pain that physiotherapists treat is unlike the ordinary pain that you may sometimes experience. It is a musculoskeletal disorder that also includes repetitive strain injury and back pain. Apart from hands-on treatments, such as acupuncture and manual therapy, physiotherapy will also create exercise programmes and provide tips that meet your needs and provide pain relief.

Cardiovascular Disease

Heart attack, stroke, and angina are just some of the problems that seniors may face. One way to prevent these is to exercise and stay active, something physiotherapy can help with. But that’s not all. Physiotherapists also offer cardiac rehabilitation programmes that can improve your quality of life and health.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Pulmonary rehabilitation programmes are considered extremely effective in treating this particular condition, and a physiotherapist is one of the most important health professionals who make up the team that runs the programmes.

Falls and Fractures

What physiotherapist can do is to improve balance, help reduce the risk of falling, strengthen bones, and advise on activities that will maintain or improve your mobility.


What physiotherapists can offer diabetes patients are strategies to help manage lifestyle changes and ensure blood glucose levels are kept under control. These include a healthy diet, exercise regimen, and assessment for a foot splint in case a dropped foot is developed.


Research shows that exercise can increase a cancer patient’s chances of survival or prevent some cancers from coming back. Physiotherapy can help keep patients active and find ways to treat side effects such as lymphoedema, osteoporosis, and tiredness.

Other conditions that physiotherapy can treat, prevent, and/or manage are high blood pressure, Parkinson’s disease, incontinence, and multiple sclerosis.

The same health professionals will also provide recommendations for occupational health and rehabilitation programmes.

Needless to say, young and old alike can benefit from what physiotherapists can offer, whether they are affected by the conditions listed above or not. With the kind of preventative tips that they can provide, seeking their help will definitely work to your advantage.

With this in mind, get in touch with Dr7 Physiotherapy and Podiatry on 9349 1777 to make a booking.

We are well located to provide physiotherapy, podiatry, hydrotherapy and massage Yokine, Dianella, Joondana, Tuart Hill, Osborne Park, Coolbinia, Mount Lawley, Bedford, Inglewood, Balcatta, Stirling, Nollamara and surrounding Perth communities.

We have been providing friendly and professional physiotherapy, podiatry, hydrotherapy and massage treatment since 2001.

Dry Needling

Dry Needling or Acupuncture Perth?

Dry needling is a great tool employed by staff at Dr7 Physiotherapy and Podiatry Yokine to enhance your treatment and rehabilitation.


Confused about dry needling and acupuncture ? Read on to find out more.




What is dry needling?

Dry needling is a unique procedure whereby small pins are introduced into dysfunctional tissues to help promote pain relief, tissue healing and restore muscle function.

Trigger points are tight areas of fibrous muscle that impact performance and can cause pain or discomfort. Dry needles ( nothing is injected ) are inserted into trigger point zones to can help to reduce pain and may obtain a twitch response which allows the muscle to relax.


What is the difference between Acupuncture and dry needling?

Dry needling is easily confused with Acupuncture. Even though the same type of pin/  needle is used, the theory and clinical reasoning behind the placement of the needle is different.

Acupuncture is a Tradition Chinese Medicine tool that utilises meridians which are paths of energy flowing through the body. Acupuncture is aimed to restore balance and improve systemic medical pathologies through the restoration of Qi (flow of Yin and Yang energy).


The benefits of dry needling:

  • Reduce pain levels
  • Accelerate healing
  • Promote blood flow
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Restore normal tissue function
  • Desensitise the muscular system
  • Break scar tissue


Dry needling is most effective when combined with other treatment options. At Dr7 Physiotherapy and Podiatristry Joondanna our therapists are trained to compliment dry needling with therapies such as massage, trigger point therapy, joint mobilisation and individualised stretching and strengthening program to enhance recovery.


Tess at Dr7 Physiotherapy and Podiatry dry needling a patient.
Tess at Dr7 Physiotherapy and Podiatry dry needling a patient.


What does dry needling feel like?

It is important to acknowledge that all patients respond differently. Our therapists at Dr7 Physiotherapy and Podiatry Dianella ensure that the patient is comfortable and warning and consent is given at all times.

Dry needles are much thinner than a normal needle used for injection or blood tests.  Thinner needle = less pain.

Initially you may feel a sharp pinch as the needle is inserted into your muscle fibres. This may be followed by a muscle twitch and/or a dull ache. Some patients experience referred pain, whilst others feel no pain sensations. Some mild post treatment soreness is normal, although not always present.


What training do your professionals have?

All of our therapists at Dr7 Physiotherapy and Podiatry Tuart Hill possess a bachelor in either Physiotherapy or Podiatry. Additionally they have post graduate training in dry needling so you are in safe hands with our professional therapists.

So call us today on 9349 1777 to make a booking with a Physiotherapist or Podiatrist today for dry needling, acupuncture Perth.

We are well located to provide physiotherapy, podiatry, hydrotherapy and massage to  Yokine, Dianella, Joondana, Tuart Hill, Osborne Park, Coolbinia, Mount Lawley, Bedford, Inglewood, Balcatta, Stirling, Nollamara and surrounding Perth communities.

We have been providing friendly and professional physiotherapy, podiatry, hydrotherapy and massage treatment since 2001.

Lower back pain

Lower back pain


Lower back pain problems are a common issue for many patients treated at Dr7 Physio and Podiatry in Yokine Perth. Many of our patients from the surrounding suburbs such as Yokine, Dianella, Joondana, Tuart Hill etc, are being successfully treated for back pain every week by our highly experienced physiotherapists.


Usually lower back pain is caused by a strain in the muscles or a sprain in the ligaments in the lower back. Things that contribute to the strain and sprain to the muscles include:

  • Improper lifting, instead of squatting down and lifting with your legs you bend over and lift with your back.
  • Lack of regular fitness, running after a long time can strain your muscles because it is not use to it.
  • A ruptured disc, the disc may be pressing on the sciatica nerve causing constant lower back pain.
  • Poor posture, if your posture is bad certain muscles groups will have to compensate for the other areas. This causes strain in the muscle that is working over time.

Lower back pain relief:

  • Cold packs, applying a cold pack to your back may reduce the inflammation of the muscles. It also slows down nerve impulses which causes spasms that causes lower back pain.
  • Heat packs, this will stimulate blood flow which increases the healing process.
  • Stretching, continuous stretching daily can loosen the tense muscles in the lower back.
  • Taking medication, Pain relief medication may temporarily reduce your lower back pain.


  • Come down to Dr7 Physio and Podiatry in Yokine Perth to get a physiotherapist to administer dry needling, manipulation and releasing your pressure points with a massage.
  • A professional masseuse at Dr7 Physio and Podiatry can target the right muscle group and strains to relieve you from lower back pain.


  • Strengthening your core, this will provide support to your lower back.
  • Exercise regularly, this will keep your body healthy and strengthen other muscles in your body which supports to the lower back.
  • Be well rested, sleeping is a very important factor and sleeping sideways is also beneficial to the lower back.
  • Lift heavy objects correctly, keep your back straight and use your legs to lift and not your back.
  • maintain proper posture, keep your back upright and correct your posture so all the muscles are correctly supporting one another.


We are well located to provide physiotherapy, podiatry, hydrotherapy and massage to  Yokine, Dianella, Joondana, Tuart Hill, Osborne Park, Coolbinia, Mount Lawley, Bedford, Inglewood, Balcatta, Stirling, Nollamara and surrounding Perth communities.

We have been providing friendly and professional physiotherapy, podiatry, hydrotherapy and massage treatment since 2001.


Myofascial Physiotherapy Perth


What is Myofascial you might ask, so your walking down the street to the shops as the day comes onto dusk. You see a figure walking along the path towards you, even though the figure is at a distance you are able to tell from their walking style that it is a close friend of yours. How is this?

We have a tissue that weaves through our body and connects muscles in ‘chains’ or groups so that several muscles can work together to create movement. This tissue is called myofascial connective tissue. As with muscles, this connective tissue should be elastic; stretching and then returning to its original length.  When we move in similar patterns as we sit, stand or walk, month after month, year after year, these movement patterns cause tightening of muscles and connective tissues in one area and loosening and weakening in the opposing group of muscles and connective tissue.  You can often visually see these muscle imbalances in people when you see:  one shoulder dropped lower than the other, spinal scoliosis, a rotated pelvis or ‘pigeon toed’ walking. If these muscle imbalances are allowed to continue over an extended period of time it will cause wearing or degeneration of joints and pain.

A sensitive area may form on a muscle after overuse or injury, this is what we call a trigger point. A trigger point on a muscle may cause discomfort and pain through the entire muscle if aggravated. If the pain worsens or continues, this is called myofascial pain and should be treated before it gets worse.

Physiotherapy can assist in correcting these asymmetries with: myofascial and trigger-point release, cupping, and sports taping. We will give you postural advice and guidance on how to alter your hobbies or work tasks to produce even wear and tear on your muscles and joints.


Physio Perth-MMA-Jack Becker

Physio Perth-MMA-Jack Becker

PHYSIO PERTH – MMA – Jack Becker



Do you want to prepare train and recover like a professional MMA fighter? Dr7 Physio is proud to be in Jack Becker’s corner helping him recover and stay in peak physical fighting condition. The countless injuries we’ve seen and treated will make a grown man weep! Jack is a tough dude that can fight! But he also gets his fair of sprains and strains.


Check out Jack Becker’s Instagram feed to see how a professional fighter prepares for his upcoming fight in Japan with the help of mach1fightclub and Dr7 Physiotherapy and Podiatry Yokine – Perth .




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# perth #perthlife #perthisok




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Physio Yokine – Are you in Pain?

Pain – no one wants it and we try our best to resolve it but sometimes it just doesn’t go away. There are 2 different types that we experience, depending on the onset and duration – acute or chronic. 
Acute pain is felt at the time of an injury or accident, and is an extremely useful function that tells us there is damage in our body, which requires treatment, and disappears soon when the injury heals. Physiotherapy is very effective dealing with these issues. Continue reading Physio Yokine – Are you in Pain?

Physiotherapy Perth – Welcoming new and returning staff!

Carmen is an experienced podiatrist who has started with us recently. She joins our podiatry team on a part time basis and has a special interest in the management and care of elderly and diabetic patients.


Ian, our physio of more than 10 years, returns to our physiotherapy team after a 6 month break. He is looking forward to catching up and helping out his previous clients and welcome all new ones.


Vicky, our massage therapist of 2 years has increased her shifts due to the departure of Maria. She is available afternoons and Saturday mornings.
