Category Archives: Aqua Fit

Notre Dame student

Clinical placement for Notre Dame students

Dr7 Physiotherapy has provided clinical placement for Notre Dame Students (Fremantle campus) for the past 10 years. Around 20 students each year will go through our clinic and gain valuable experience for their physiotherapy studies. The physio students work closely  with our experienced physiotherapists and hydro-therapist on a daily basis to gain insight into patient treatment and management. “We wanted to help in any way possible to educate and teach the interns to better prepare them for the future”, as quoted by Ryan our head physiotherapist.



A normal day for the interns:

  • They would sit in on initial assessments and learn how the physio would assess a new patient and proper treatment if any on the first visit.
  • Students would learn the many injuries and treatments ranging from workers compensation, motor vehicle accidents and sports injuries.
  • The hydrotherapy pool would be a main focus for the students as Doctor 7 Physio and Podiatry are one of the only practices in Perth with a hydrotherapy pool in it.
  • Interns will get into the pool and help out the physios teaching the proper exercises and movements to the patients.


What an intern would learn from the internship:

  • How to properly prepare themselves if they choose to work in a private practice.
  • How to diagnose patient’s injuries from the initial assessment and the proper treatment methods they should undertake.
  • Observing and teaching patients on how to execute the proper stretches and exercises for their rehabilitation.
  • Gaining knowledge and experience of treatment of patients in the hydrotherapy pool


Dr7 Physiotherapy and Podiatry has also taken in students internationally from other Physiotherapy schools. A student from Germany came to have an internship with us in 2016, staying with us for 3 months before returning back to Germany to begin her career.


We will always welcome students from local or international universities to come and undertake an internship with us. If we can accommodate students, we will do our best in showing them how a private physiotherapy and podiatry practice is operated.

New Hydrotherapy Aqua Fit class

Introducing a new Hydrotherapy Aqua Fit class starting this week at Dr7 Physiotherapy and Podiatry, Aqua Fit is a high intensity and low impact workout in our Hydrotherapy pool. Warmed at a constant 34 degrees Celsius and water resistance makes the work out more intense but with fewer injuries.

Benefits of Hydrotherapy:

  • Post operation of knee and hip replacement – people may not be able to put their full body weight on the operated area so therefore it will encourage the patients to walk properly in their rehabilitation without the weight in the pool.
  • Arthritis – with experiencing pain in their joints doing exercises may take a toll on the body on land but in warm water it can eliminate the stiffness and soreness of the joints and you may exercise pain free.
  • Sports injury/Recovery – the warmth of the water would loosen up tight muscles and encourages relaxation and speed the healing process.
  • It may boost the immune system allowing efficient function of the organs and also increasing metabolic rate and digestion.

Benefits of Aqua Fit (exercising in warm water):

  • Improves your aerobic fitness and flexibility by reducing the weight while exercising in the warm water.
  • Low impact exercising for muscles and joints
  • Improves strength and balance
  • Post natal training and injury rehabilitation

The classes will be on every Friday at 12pm to 12:40pm instructed by Tess our very own physiotherapist and personal trainer. Cost of the class is $37 and is either fully covered or partly covered by your private health, limited spots available.

Tess, Lawrence and Emma also instructs the arthritis classes on a daily basis:

Monday 8:30am
Friday 8:30am

Monday 10:30am
Tuesday 9am
Thursday 9am
Friday 10:30am

Wednesday: 10:30am and 1:30pm

Cost of the class is $25 and is either fully covered or partly covered by your private health, limited spots available.

So give Dr7 Physiotherapy and Podiatry a call today on 9349 1777 to make a booking or visit our pages:

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