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back pain

Back Pain and Physiotherapy Perth













All of us have experienced back pain of some degree at a point in our lives. It is one of the most common pain conditions. Pain is the common complaint with back issues but other symptoms such as pins and needles, numbness, leg ache, muscle spasm, weakness, stiffness can also be present.

Back pain is musculo-skeletal in nature, can be considered mechanical or inflammatory (and usually both!) and can sometimes include neck pain and pelvic pain. Over the years, it has become the most common reason for sick leave.

The pain can come about in various ways such as picking up heavy objects in an incorrect manner, or spending too long in a single position, like sitting at a desk all day. Poor ergonomics and poor posture is a common cause.

Anxiety and stress are known to make the pain worse. However, it is rare for other health conditions to cause back pain.

Painkillers can be used to temporarily address the issue, but this runs into some pitfalls.

The first of these is that the medication only numbs the pain but does nothing about the cause of the problem. The second issue is that painkillers and similar medication can be habit-forming and have harmful side-effects with prolong use.

A good way to counter back pain is to understand what is causing it. Sudden injury from joint sprains and muscle strains,  illness, or poor posture can all play a part. Some common conditions which can be helped with physiotherapy include back muscle stain / spasm, facet joint sprain, sciatica, disc bulge / prolapse disc ( no, your disc can not ‘slip’ ! ), nerve compression, arthritis/degeneration.

Seeing a physiotherapist swiftly can help with pain relief and improve mobility. It will also help to prevent more complications and speed up the recovery of the current back dysfunction. At Dr7 Physiotherapy, you will be verbally and objectively assessed thoroughly, followed by a treatment plan that is individualised for your condition. You will receive treatment which may include, soft tissue massage / release; joint mobilisation / manipulation; dry needling / acupunture ; taping; electrical therapeutic modalities such as Interential, TENS, LASER ; specific rehabilitaion exercises and most importantly, expert advice and education in injury management.


Dr7 Podiatry Perth - Orthotics

A Guide To Orthotics

What is orthotics ? The word sounds strange, like some sort of arcane jargon that ordinary people shouldn’t know about.

In reality, orthotics are just devices made of lightweight, flexible materials. They are used as help correct a variety of problems concerning the feet and walking. They are either mass-produced designs or ones that are custom-made from 3D camera images, impressions and casts. Dr7 Podiatry Perth and Inner suburbs, we use all the mentioned techniques and different types of orthotics.

Mass-produced orthotics that are ready made to use are cheaper and widely available, but aren’t always ideal. It is best to have a podiatrist assess and custom fit a pair for your feet, with any adjustments needed along the way. Podiatrists may use taping or have you wear the over the counter ones ,with minor adjustment, for a time to gauge the suitability of long-term custom othotics.

Orthotics are useful for treating conditions like Achilles tendonitis, bunions, tarsal tunnel syndrome, and plantar fasciitis. There are other conditions, especially sporting conditions such as runnig knee that will respond well. However, it is imperative that you discuss your options and condition with a podiatrist so they can make a professional assessment and outline the ideal treatment plan.

In general, the inserts are meant to improve the overall health of the foot and ankle. Many are built to realign the structure of the foot or provide better support, easing pressure on the feet and ankles as you walk. Finally, they can prevent deformities of the feet if used preemptively.

You might also notice benefits for any pre-existing back and hips pain with the correct fitting orthotics.

The exact nature of your orthotics will vary based on your needs and the recommendations of your podiatrist. For example, someone with flat feet will want arch support. On the other hand, someone who does a lot of running on the job will need inserts that reduce pressure on the joints,  which could help to reduce any foot, ankle, knee or hip pain.

Custom-made inserts are more expensive compared to over the counter types. However, they are fitted to your feet precisely and offer greater support. The materials are also tougher and allow them to last longer. Additionally, this process is guided through by experienced podiatrists ,who are university trained health professionals.

Dr7 Podiatry are here to help and answer any questions about othotics or foot related issues.


Dr7 Physiotherapy

What To Expect From Physiotherapy

If you are heading into your first physiotherapy consultation, you might be feeling nervous. You are already in pain,  might be worried about the condition and the prognosis and additionally, you might also be uncertain about the session itself. You don’t know what to expect. Even if you’re dealing with a medical professional, you probably can’t help but feel a little unease. Are they good? Experienced? All this confusion is normal. At Dr7 Physiotherapy Perth and Inner Northern suburbs, we will make you at ease and set you on your path to recovery.

To help ease these concerns, we’ll outline how a typical treatment plan will go. We hope that this will help you better understand how the process works.

The initial session begins with our experienced physiotherapist looking for a way to gain an understanding of the patient. The source and the cause of the discomfort is the focus, but the questions will vary.

In many cases, relevant documentation and a full examination are the starts. Questions asked may include things like medical history, general physical condition, and any existing illnesses or problems. The key here is getting a complete picture of you along with the condition that needs treatment.

You’ll want to keep your clothing loose and comfortable. Physiotherapy assessment often requires you to move or do some physical tests, as a means of assessing mobility , strength and range of motion.

Reflex and nerve testing might happen. It varies based on the condition.

In cases where clothing covers the pained area, you might be asked to remove it. This is, so the therapist gets a better view of the troubled area. Try to not wear anything tight or  clothing that would take a long time to remove or put back on. You will be in a screened-off treatment area and draping with towels are used as appropriate.

After the observation, you’ll get a proposed treatment plan.

The therapist will determine how many sessions are needed. What might just be a few sessions for one could end up taking weeks for another. There is no singular approach, but instead, things are adjusted to fit specific individuals. Different conditions and different degrees of the same condition will affect treatment session and progress.

The average session lasts only about half an hour but this will vary based on the individual.

Treatment techniques vary and may include massage, joint mobilisation and manipulation, taping , acupunture ( dry needling ), electro-therapy such as ultrasound, interferential and TENS, laser. Specific exercises will be outlined for your condition. Education and advice is a vital part of a good physiotherapy session. Hands on treatment is important in most cases, but ironically it’s the physio’s knowledge and their words that will benefit your recovery the most.

Dr7 Physiotherapy is here to help. Please contact us if you have any further questions.

Dr7 Massage

What is Massage Therapy?

Massage therapy is the use of massage to manipulate the soft tissues of the body. This includes areas such as the muscles, connective tissues, ligaments, joints, and tendons. A massage therapy Dianella clinic can offer this as part of the treatment of a broad range of conditions.

The use of massage therapy is often called for when there is a need for alleviating discomfort. Usually, this will be due to stress in everyday activities or occupational hazards, but it is also used for dealing with muscle overuse and some conditions that cause chronic pain.

Massage therapy can assist with recovery from an injury. Some massage types can help ease the pain, as well as promote returning to a full range of motion.

Clinics that perform massage therapy Nollamara also offer it as part of post-surgical recovery. Invasive surgery can leave someone reeling and weakened during the recovery period. In some cases, massage can help alleviate the pain, as well as keep the body moving during the healing process.

Therapists have also found great success in easing chronic pain of various types. Massage therapy has been used to alleviate problems due to arthritis, for example.

Finding massage therapy Tuart Hill is also a good idea for injury rehabilitation. In the wake of an injury, people often feel lots of pain. They also lose some mobility, perhaps even some of their confidence in their body’s ability to move.

Massage, alongside other rehabilitation techniques, can help ease these problems. The body can recover in its own time, and massage therapy Osborne Park lets the patient recover at a faster pace.

Research conducted has shown that massage therapy can be useful as a supplement to conventional medical treatments. One does not need to rely exclusively on massage therapy Yokine clinics to heal and can use it as part of a comprehensive recovery plan.

When looking for massage therapy Joondanna, be aware that some may require you to present a prescription or referral from a physician. However, this is not standard, and many will happily entertain your requests without one.

What is podiatry?

Well, in simple terms, podiatry is like Kinesiology but focused on the feet. To be specific, podiatry is all about the diagnosis, treatment, management, and prevention of medical conditions tied to the foot and ankle. It also covers care for the lower limb in general.

A podiatry Dianella clinic will be focused on your feet. You might think this isn’t a big deal but stop for a second. What bears the brunt of your body weight as you go about your day? Apart from your lower back, it’s your legs. Your feet take a lot of abuse.

Better care for them is essential, and a clinic for podiatry near Yokine can help.

If you have a chronic condition related to your feet, podiatry Joondanna professionals can help. Numbness or feeling like a thousand pins pricking your leg might be a sign that your foot is at high risk due to diabetes. It is also linked to some forms of arthritis.

Poor circulation is also a chronic problem. The problem usually comes from fluid pooling around the foot and ankle area. In the long-term, this can be a danger to your leg.

Biomechanical problems with your legs might also be a good reason to look into podiatry Osborne Park.

By biomechanical, we mean the motion systems of the body. For example, a podiatry clinic can treat clubfoot. Children with toes pointing inward or outward might also need our assistance. Sports-related injuries and practices are also available.

In fact, one of the main reasons podiatry Tuart Hill is so popular is due to injuries and pains. Some of them come from sports, while others are due to accidents.

Sprains and stress fractures are among the many reasons people seek out help from podiatry Nollamara, or around the area. Other causes include tendonitis, hammertoes, and persistent pain in the heels. Podiatrists can assess the reasons for these problems and provide a regimen to alleviate them.

A podiatry clinic will also have some limited skin care facilities. Specifically, they can treat things like blisters, calluses, warts, and cracked heels. They are also able to prescribe medication for dealing with fungal conditions on the feet.

Hydrotherapy-What is hydrotherapy and how can it help you?

Let’s begin with a simple definition. Hydrotherapy is the use of water to achieve effects that promote better well-being or health. Some ways that water is used medically, include steam rooms and clonic hydrotherapy.

In the case of our clinic providing hydrotherapy Joondanna, it is a little more specific. We use water in a pool. The pool is used to treat musculoskeletal and neural issues as part of a rehabilitation program. We often work together with physical therapists in this regard.

Hydrotherapy is sometimes called aquatic therapy. Facilities for hydrotherapy Dianella use water to allow for ease during exercise and physical motion. The properties of water also allow for altering the intensity of normal activities.

Consider this: water increases buoyancy, which makes workouts less stressful. What would be too painful for someone to do on land would be easier in water. Also, by modulating the temperature, hydrotherapy Yokine facilities can also help with swelling and circulation issues.

Also, using turbulence and speed can alter the regimen. You can effectively increase or decrease the challenge of the exercise.

If you are looking for hydrotherapy near Osborne Park, you probably want to know what the benefits are too. Here are just some of the things that it can help with.

Pain relief is a good start. Whether you’ve injured soft tissue or are suffering from muscular dystrophy, hydrotherapy can help reduce the associated pain.

The use of hydrotherapy Tuart Hill can help reduce muscle spasms. This applies to both athletes and other people.

If you’ve been injured, you probably noticed that you have a decreased range of motion. Your flexibility might not be as good as it used to be. You can help regain some of that by using hydrotherapy. The lower stress from the water and the right exercises eases you into a full recovery.

The water also helps increase circulation.

Moving around in water can also help people who have lost their balance and coordination. It won’t fix all the problems, but it can start the process.

The best part is that an excellent hydrotherapy Nollamara facility can help you exercise post-trauma. Gravity’s effects are reduced in the water, so you are at less risk of making an injury worse. The reduced stress also allows knees, hips, and other joints to recover from high-intensity activity better.

However, there are some precautions to be observed. We don’t recommend hydrotherapy if you have inflammation, especially if it’s still red and tender. Fever is also a bad idea, along with anyone that has heart disease or hypertension.

Like any therapeutic option, hydrotherapy is not recommended for everyone. However, it can be ideal for those who can benefit from it.


What is physiotherapy?

What is physiotherapy? Physiotherapy is a medical practice that is designed to help patients with injuries. The aim is to restore mobility and flexibility. In most cases, their services are called in to help patients recovering from injury or disease.

A physiotherapist is a qualified, well-trained individual. They work in concert with doctors to provide a physical element to the recovery. Like all medical personnel, they work so the patient can get better and be given the tools to remain healthy.

Physiotherapists use a variety of techniques and go over various data. Their tasks require them to make assessments, diagnosis and prescribe treatments for a broad range of conditions. Movement disorders, joint issues, injuries, and other mobility-related problems are part of their expertise.

However, the practice is not limited to post-injury treatment. They can also be called upon to provide regimens meant to prevent injury or promote better health. Physical rehabilitation and maintenance of mobility, along with aid in particular chronic disease management programs, is not unusual.

A typical physiotherapist in Australia will have an education in patient education and occupational health.

You might be wondering: why would I need a physiotherapist? The first inclination is to think that you don’t and never will. An injury-free lifestyle and a healthy diet, along with exercise, seems like a good recipe for keeping the doctor at bay.

However, various people might come to a physiotherapist to address a variety of concerns. Even those who are perfectly healthy may decide to consult one, in the interest of staying in good health. It helps that the discipline can address a broad range of needs.

Cardiovascular and respiratory therapy are everyday actions for physio Dianella.

The heart and lungs are like the body’s engine, making sure that all the right stuff is pumped into all the right places. Physiotherapy regimens can help rehabilitate people living at risk of many hearts and lung-related conditions, such as asthma.

The physio Osborne Park practice can also provide technique’s to help recover from surgery involving the cardiovascular or respiratory systems.

Cancer is also a possible cause you might seek physiotherapy Dianella.

Lymphoedema, palliative care, and other cancer-related needs can be addressed through the right regimens. Physiotherapists can devise programs that include the treatment and management of the fatigue associated with the cancer treatments.

At the same time, they can aid in deconditioning and alleviating the muscle and joint stiffness. These are sometimes known to be side effects of certain types of cancer treatment.

The elderly can also reap a variety of benefits. Exercise and physical activity – as directed by physiotherapy Dianella – can help improve the quality of life for senior citizens.

Older individuals can use physiotherapy to improve their mobility in the wake of incontinence, osteoporosis, and other conditions. A regimen can also be designed to aid in remaining mobile and active, even in their old physical state.

Physiotherapy can also help the old address continence issues.

Women’s health is also an area that may benefit. Pregnancy, bowel control, post-partum care, pre-birth exercises, and menopause are all areas where physiotherapy can offer assistance.

Some neurological concerns may also be addressed.

Neurology and physiotherapy converge in the areas of damage to the spinal cord or brain. Injuries and trauma may reduce mobility or quality of life. A combination of neurological efforts and physiotherapy regimens can reduce the problem, particularly for conditions such as Parkinson’s or multiple sclerosis.

Orthopaedic concerns are also covered.

Physiotherapy Yokine can help the management of acute or chronic conditions. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and amputations are some areas that the practice can help with. They are also part of the rehabilitation program for orthopaedic surgery.

Musculoskeletal areas can also benefit from physiotherapy. The primary focus here lies in preventing strain and injury. Techniques can also address some underlying problems, such as limited mobility, or neck and back pain.

Physiotherapy Dianella can also assist various occupational health concerns. The practices and exercises can support the overall well-being of workers. They can also help in reducing the risk of injury or disease and address safety hazards.

There are other areas where a physiotherapist Joondanna might be able to offer help. Consult with one to make sure. Other areas where physio Dianella might help include men recovering from testicular cancer. Physio Yokine can also assist various paediatric concerns.

You might be curious about the average physiotherapy Osborne Park session. Below you’ll find a description of how things tend to go so that you can get an idea for yourself.

The session – indeed, your entire relationship with a physiotherapist – begins with questions. The therapist will ask about your overall health and various other queries, intent on getting an idea about your unique needs and condition. The treatment will depend on what is learned at this stage.

Assessment and diagnosis of what the patient needs follows, using information on the condition. The goal at this point is to know what would be required, which informs the plan and regimen.

This is also the point where the therapist inquires about the patient’s goals. Some patients want to run marathons, while others want to remain physically mobile even in old age. What they want will affect what the therapist will recommend.

A therapist will work with you in setting those goals. Sometimes, you might set a goal that is far too advanced or beyond your body’s current abilities. A physiotherapist can help keep the objectives from being impossible but still challenging. Physio Joondanna can be a huge help for you.

Finally, a treatment plan is developed. Physical aids and exercise will usually be part of this, along with changes to lifestyle and general health. The result is a comprehensive plan meant to make your life better, while also helping you achieve your goal at a steady pace.

Physio Tuart Hill can assist you in having a better quality of life. The holistic approach and the ties with other medical practices mean that you are getting comprehensive care and the attention of a professional. Physiotherapy Tuart Hill might be a good idea for you and your overall health.


Hydrotherapy Pool

Hydrotherapy Pool

Arthritic pain can really flare up when the cold weather arrives. Obviously keeping warm is no brainer!!

Keeping active is much harder to do when the weather is miserable. Public pools are not heated sufficiently close to body temperature to provide optimum therapeutic benefits.

Our custom hydrotherapy pool is perfect for these cold winter days! Back injuries and arthritis respond especially well exercising in warm water – our pool is a toasty 34degC ! – much warmer than standard local heated pools.

Give us a call and get your body back on track today!!