Hydrotherapy For Neurological Conditions


Dr7physioandpod Hydrotherapy perth

 Hydrotherapy is known to have effects that alleviate symptoms of neurological conditions.

Working with other rehabilitation techniques, neurological patients gain many benefits from hydrotherapy. In general, they experience reduced muscle spasms and can slowly improve their physical strength.

The warm water helps reduce stiffness in the joints and normalizes the overall tone. The improved circulation also promotes muscle relaxation, relieving any pain.

Water is also a safe environment that allows flexibility. The variability of resistance by adjusting the depth allows a person to ease into dealing with the full pressure of being on land. At the same time, it also allows them to increase the strength of their muscles and joints gradually.

Buoyancy in the water also helps facilitate stretching. It also offers a safety net that minimizes risk for patients while regaining their sense of balance and walking. Finally, buoyancy also decreases the weight that bears down on the joints, allowing for better performance and rehabilitation.

Hydrotherapy can help with multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, Parkinson’s disease, and Guillain-Barre syndrome. It is also useful in recovering in the aftermath of trauma to the brain and cerebrovascular accidents, better known as strokes.