Category Archives: Rib Dysfunction




National Disability Insurance Scheme or NDIS for short is a scheme where the Australian government funds certain services such as physiotherapy and podiatry for people with a disability. Dr7 Physiotherapy, Podiatry, and Hydrotherapy Yokine, is a provider for NDIS patients and works closely with carers to set short- and long-term goals with a tailored plan for each person. The convenience of having a hydrotherapy pool located within the practice makes it more accessible for NDIS patients who want a physiotherapist to guide and assist with hydrotherapy and physiotherapy.


Am I eligible?

  • Aged between 7 to 65 years old.
  • Australian citizen or Permanent resident or have a permanent or special category visa.
  • Need support from a physiotherapist or podiatrist because of a permanent and significant disability.
  • Use special equipment because of a permanent and significant disability.
  • If you need more information, please visit


How do I apply?


Why come to Dr7 Physiotherapy, Podiatry, and Hydrotherapy?

  • Convenient to have three services located at the same practice.
  • Easy access and free parking bays.
  • Friendly, caring, and helpful staff members.
  • Highly trained and professional physiotherapists and podiatrists.
  • Located in a medical center that has various services such as GPs, pharmacy, psychologist, clinical labs, etc.



Dr7 Physiotherapy, Podiatry, and Hydrotherapy Joondanna accept all NDIS patients who are self-managed, plan managed but we DO NOT accept NDIA managed NDIS funds (Please call reception for billing information).


Please do not hesitate to call Dr7 Physiotherapy and Podiatry Tuart Hill and ask to see one of our physiotherapists today. Dr7 Physiotherapy and Podiatry services Perth’s northern suburbs including Yokine, Tuart Hill, Osborne Park, Stirling, Nollamara, Dianella, North Perth, and surrounding suburbs. Our friendly Physiotherapists and Podiatrists have appointments available Monday-Saturday.

Bookings are available on our website (click on the “Book an appointment” button on the top right-hand side of the page) or over the phone on 9349 1777.

Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) Dr7 Physiotherapy and Podiatry

Motor Vehicle Accident

Have you sustained an injury as a result of a motor vehicle accident(MVA)?
Do you want relief from your symptoms?

The pain and suffering resulting from a motor vehicle accident can become frustrating and inconvenient. Our Physiotherapists at Dr7 are registered health professionals with a wealth of knowledge to help you become pain-free and functional.

We welcome all patients referred for a motor vehicle-related injury.

Who is ICWA?

ICWA, known as the Insurance Commission of Western Australia is a corporation owned by the Western Australian government. They provide funding to those who are injured as a result of a motor vehicle accident. Vehicle registration fees provide ‘compulsory third party insurance’. This allows ICWA to provide compensation for injured parties when they involve in a motor vehicle accident.

Who is entitled to Motor Vehicle Accident claim?

Any of the following individuals who have sustained an injury or medical condition as a consequence of a motor vehicle accident can apply for an MVA compensation claim:
• Driver
• Passenger
• Pedestrian
• Cyclist

Eligibility for funding, reimbursement, or compensation is decided by ICWA. ICWA will investigate your claim and establish who was at fault. Liability must be accepted by ICWA for your claim to be accepted.

How do I make a Motor Vehicle Accident claim?

If you have sustained an injury or illness directly related to a motor vehicle injury follow these basic recommendations:
1. Seek medical attention
2. Report the crash to the police via the Online Crash Reporting Facility ( – this will provide you with a crash reference number
3. Call the insurance commission on (09) 9264 333 to investigate whether they require any additional information or forms to be lodged
4. Consult with your GP and request a referral to your allied health professional (e.g. Physiotherapist)

If you are considering a Motor Vehicle Accident claim and require more advice we recommend seeking legal advice.

How do I get referred to Physiotherapy?

When attending Physiotherapy services under a Motor Vehicle Accident claim it is important that you present with the correct documentation.

Before presenting to Physiotherapy you will need the following information:
• A Doctors referral stating the following:
o Name of practice and practitioner you intend on seeing
o Date of accident
o Injured areas to be managed
o Modalities of treatment (e.g. Physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, exercise rehabilitation)
• Claim number (if provided)
• Confirmation that you were not at fault by ICWA

If liability has not yet been determined we may kindly request that you pay the fees upfront and seek reimbursement once your claim has been accepted.

If you are unsure what information you need to provide, we recommended speaking to our friendly receptionist on (08) 9349 1777 for more information today!

Role of Physiotherapy

The Physiotherapists at Dr7 Physiotherapy and Podiatry have over 25 years of experience managing motor vehicle accident injuries and claims. We make it our priority to provide world-class treatment whilst proving a safe and emphatic environment for your rehabilitation.

We are able to provide the following modalities of treatment/management:
• Hands-on Physiotherapy treatment
• Supervised hydrotherapy
• Supervised exercise rehabilitation in a gym setting
• Education and advice
• Exercise programs

Our goals as Physiotherapists:
• Conduct thorough assessments to identify injuries and functional impairments
• Provide Physiotherapy treatment services to help the patient achieve their goals, reduce symptoms and elevate function
• Monitor progress of rehabilitation
• Liaise and collaborate with the patient’s health team to achieve optimal results
• Advocate for the injured patient within the management process

What can you claim?

• Ambulance services
• Hospital services
• Nursing services
• Medical services
• Scanning
• Medication
• Equipment & medical aids
• Rehabilitation & therapy services
• Household support services
• Travel
• Compensation for inability to work
• Pain and suffering

MVA Dr7 Physio

Who pays for Physiotherapy intervention and treatment?

ICWA will cover your medical expenses including Physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, and exercise rehabilitation if:
• Liability is accepted
• Treatment is necessary & reasonable
• Your injuries are directly related to the motor vehicle accident

In order to provide funding for your medical expenses ICWA requires medical evidence from your health professional team. In some circumstances ICWA may request prior approval for medical needs.

It is your responsibility to ensure you are covered. If you are unsure, we encourage you to speak to your ICWA case manager or seek legal advice.

MVA Contract

When will my claim be finalised?

Your claim can be finalised once ICWA receives a medical report confirming your recovery or stabilisation from a medical condition or injury. The time frame for this varies depending on the extent of your illness/injury/s.

Do I need a lawyer?

In most cases a lawyer is not necessary. You do however have the right to appoint a lawyer to assist you with your claim. We are happy to make a recommendation for legal representation if you require it.
We recommend that you refer to the ICWA information booklet for further information or clarification

What costs are involved?

If your claim has been approved and liability has been accepted there are no gap-fees or out-of-pocket expenses for the patient directly. This needs to be confirmed with ICWA and that they have accepted liability for your claim.

Rib Dysfunction

Rib Dysfunction

Rib Dysfunction

Have you ever felt a sharp sensation around your shoulder blade or mid-back during certain twisting, lifting and abrupt movements? Chances are you may be experiencing dysfunction around your rib joint/s. Read on to find out more…


What is rib dysfunction?

Rib dysfunction occurs when there is a misalignment of a rib/s on the thorax. This results in mechanical dysfunction, restriction, dislodgement or inflammation between your ribs and their attachment sites. Due to the anatomy of a rib joint, dysfunction of this area can cause immense, debilitating pain.


The thoracic (mid-back) region typically has 12 vertebrae and 24 ribs. These vertebrae connect and articulate with ribs via the costovertebral and costotransverse joints which are held together by ligaments. These joints have a blood and nerve supply which subjects them to a great deal of inflammation and pain when irritated.


Rib dysfunction is caused by a variety of contributing factors. These include:

  • Recent trauma
  • Recent illness that generates constant coughing motion
  • Prolonged, poor posture
  • Awkward sleeping patterns
  • Weak back muscles
  • Repetitive stress
  • Stationary desk work

What does rib dysfunction feel like?

Typically patients will describe a deep, dull ache around between the spine and shoulder blade. This pain will fluctuate or become sharp with activities such as coughing, sneezing, twisting, lifting or bending. At times symptoms may refer into the arm or neck, with tenderness reported around the front of one’s chest bone.


  • Diffuse, deep, dull ache
  • Sharp, severe pain with laughing, coughing & sneezing
  • Abdominal and/or chest pain
  • Feelings of ‘clicking’ or ‘popping’
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Unexplained back pain
  • Postural imbalance



Here at Dr7 Physiotherapy and Podiatry Yokine all of our practitioners have the expertise to correctly diagnosis, treat and manage symptoms associated with rib dysfunction. Most presentations will require a rib joint manipulation and soft tissue release around the site of injury. Some cases are resolved immediately with others requiring multiple treatments/adjustments to completely alleviate symptoms

Once the acute, sharp pain has been resolved our practitioners at Dr7 Physiotherapy Tuart Hill will undertake a biomechanical assessment and provide exercises and/or strategies to prevent further aggravation. It is important to correct the underlying structural abnormality to prevent frequent and chronic rib shifts.


When to consult with a Medical practitioner

If you are concerned about your chest / rib pain it is very important to seek medical advice from your healthcare provider or emergency department. Some examples are:

  • Patients with fever or a severe cough
  • Left-sided chest pain radiating into the jaw and left arm
  • Extreme difficulty breathing



  1. Avoid awkward, sustained postures such as hunching and prolonged reaching as a desk
  2. Avoid lifting to holding objects with outstretched arms
  3. Review with a Physiotherapist at Dr7 to assess and correct structural abnormalities
  4. Strengthen the muscles that attach to and control the rib cage

If you think you are experiencing rib dysfunction book an appointment at Dr7 Physiotherapy and Podiatry Yokine.

Dr7 Physiotherapy and Podiatry provides services to the suburbs of Yokine, Tuart Hill, Osborne Park, Stirling, Nollamara, Dianella, North Perth and surrounding suburbs. Our friendly Physiotherapists and Podiatrists have appointments available Monday-Saturday.

Bookings are available on our website or over the phone.