A Guide To Orthotics

Posted on October 15, 2017
Dr7 Podiatry Perth - Orthotics

What is orthotics ? The word sounds strange, like some sort of arcane jargon that ordinary people shouldn’t know about.

In reality, orthotics are just devices made of lightweight, flexible materials. They are used as help correct a variety of problems concerning the feet and walking. They are either mass-produced designs or ones that are custom-made from 3D camera images, impressions and casts. Dr7 Podiatry Perth and Inner suburbs, we use all the mentioned techniques and different types of orthotics.

Mass-produced orthotics that are ready made to use are cheaper and widely available, but aren’t always ideal. It is best to have a podiatrist assess and custom fit a pair for your feet, with any adjustments needed along the way. Podiatrists may use taping or have you wear the over the counter ones ,with minor adjustment, for a time to gauge the suitability of long-term custom othotics.

Orthotics are useful for treating conditions like Achilles tendonitis, bunions, tarsal tunnel syndrome, and plantar fasciitis. There are other conditions, especially sporting conditions such as runnig knee that will respond well. However, it is imperative that you discuss your options and condition with a podiatrist so they can make a professional assessment and outline the ideal treatment plan.

In general, the inserts are meant to improve the overall health of the foot and ankle. Many are built to realign the structure of the foot or provide better support, easing pressure on the feet and ankles as you walk. Finally, they can prevent deformities of the feet if used preemptively.

You might also notice benefits for any pre-existing back and hips pain with the correct fitting orthotics.

The exact nature of your orthotics will vary based on your needs and the recommendations of your podiatrist. For example, someone with flat feet will want arch support. On the other hand, someone who does a lot of running on the job will need inserts that reduce pressure on the joints,  which could help to reduce any foot, ankle, knee or hip pain.

Custom-made inserts are more expensive compared to over the counter types. However, they are fitted to your feet precisely and offer greater support. The materials are also tougher and allow them to last longer. Additionally, this process is guided through by experienced podiatrists ,who are university trained health professionals.

Dr7 Podiatry are here to help and answer any questions about othotics or foot related issues.