Myofascial Physiotherapy Perth

Posted on July 11, 2017


What is Myofascial you might ask, so your walking down the street to the shops as the day comes onto dusk. You see a figure walking along the path towards you, even though the figure is at a distance you are able to tell from their walking style that it is a close friend of yours. How is this?

We have a tissue that weaves through our body and connects muscles in ‘chains’ or groups so that several muscles can work together to create movement. This tissue is called myofascial connective tissue. As with muscles, this connective tissue should be elastic; stretching and then returning to its original length.  When we move in similar patterns as we sit, stand or walk, month after month, year after year, these movement patterns cause tightening of muscles and connective tissues in one area and loosening and weakening in the opposing group of muscles and connective tissue.  You can often visually see these muscle imbalances in people when you see:  one shoulder dropped lower than the other, spinal scoliosis, a rotated pelvis or ‘pigeon toed’ walking. If these muscle imbalances are allowed to continue over an extended period of time it will cause wearing or degeneration of joints and pain.

A sensitive area may form on a muscle after overuse or injury, this is what we call a trigger point. A trigger point on a muscle may cause discomfort and pain through the entire muscle if aggravated. If the pain worsens or continues, this is called myofascial pain and should be treated before it gets worse.

Physiotherapy can assist in correcting these asymmetries with: myofascial and trigger-point release, cupping, and sports taping. We will give you postural advice and guidance on how to alter your hobbies or work tasks to produce even wear and tear on your muscles and joints.